A Quiet month

November has been pretty quiet. We have been working pretty steadily with out much time to run a muck and get into situations that make for good blogging. Maybe next week.
We did attend our first hockey game several weeks ago. Canadians are truly in love with hockey. A fist-a-cuffs broke out between two players, and they pounded on each other's faces for a good long time as we and the refs, sat back and watched. One player ended up breaking his hand. I don't think I would be too thrilled about having a son play professional hockey as there is a lot of cheap shots to players when they are not looking, and a lot of revenge tripping and hitting going on. A good hockey game is still a fun outing.
Ahh the finer things in life.
Holly's latest project.

Pete's dog, Tess, continues to bring us surprises. Not what we were planning to have for dinner but.......


  1. What IS that creature? Canadian rat?!

  2. And why is Pete trying to pull him off the fence??? j/k ;) ~Laura

  3. I think it's worth a trip there just to get a decadent mocha. Guess who....


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